"Blessed Art Thou" by Kate bKretz/b is supposed to symbolize good and evil: Angelina is angelic; Walmart, satanic. Just a tad simplistic; and for many, sacrilegious to boot!. Politics aside, I like it because, well, it's of Angelina and I ... But Banderas seems to float from one scene to the next as if he's a well-to-do guest at a fancy bhotel/b. I don't think so. The other is that the servants are all just so happy. Servants in that era were thisfar removed from slavery and ...
... cars - a family suv and van - a Harley Davidson motorcycle - an expensive and huge motor home that they take off in a lot...as well as take off across the US for bvacations/b any time they wish...my sons ARE NOT IN NEED of financial support. ... which you and Representative Joel bKretz/b and your colleagues and legislative team invested in this public hearing. I was pleased that Representative Maralyn Chase attended and invited another family to attend and testify. ...